After signing up for your account, you will receive a welcome email. This email contains your organization’s URL. Please save or bookmark this URL as this is how you will login to your account. 

Upon signing into your account, you will be prompted to setup your venue profile. 

Select ‘Event’ if you are setting up a page for a short-term event. Select ‘Place’ if you are setting up a page for a location that will have lost and found year round. 

Add a logo for your venue. Logos must be sized 256 pixels width by 256 pixels height at 72 dpi. You can upload a .jpg or .png file type. If you need help with sizing, please reach out.

Add a name for your venue. This can be the same or different than your account name. If you want to change your account name, please reach out to us.

Add the address for your venue. This is vital for the shipping process. You will not be able to send out shipping invoices without this information. Please use the address you want to use as your return address on shipments.

Once complete – hit ‘Next.’

Once on the dashboard you will see three options.

  • “Property & Claims Management” is our lost and found platform
  • “Work Order Management” is our maintenance platform
  • “Prohibited Items” is our security platform.

Click “GO” under “Property & Claims Management.”

The purple bar on the left is how you will navigate. 

From there – you can get to “items,” “claims,” and different venue management tools

To change venues, or create a new venue – click the venue name up top to the right of the Pixit logo. 

You will hear us refer to both Accounts and Venues.

Accounts are the umbrella profile created first. Your account name also serves as the URL for your lost and found website. 

Venues are profiles within the account. Depending on your account type, you can have multiple venues under your account.