Pixit’s advanced search feature makes it easy to navigate items & claims.

From our search, you can search by category, item number, claim number, keyword, date added, and custom categories. These can be combined to further narrow down your search. 

Depending on what you are searching for, start in ‘Items’ or ‘Claims’.

Click the search icon on the top right of your screen.

The search defaults to only search active claims.

If you want to search both active and archived, check both boxes under ‘General Info.’

If you want to search only archived, uncheck active and check archived. 

  • Search by keyword by typing in the search input box at the top of the screen.
  • Claims keyword will search:
    • Claim Title
    • Claimant Name
    • Claimant Email
    • Claimant Description
  • Items keyword will search:
    • Item Title
    • Item Post Detail
    • Item Internal Notes.
  • Keyword search includes all partial or exact matches.

Searching by date allows you to search a timeframe of when the claim was filed or when an item was posted.

You can search through a timeframe, or a single day by selecting the start and end date as the same day.

Item/claim number must be exact.

Searching by item/claim number will override all other search areas and show one result. 

If you search item number while in the claim section, it will show claims associated with that item.

If you search claim number in the item section, it will show the item the claim is attached to. 

Unless combined with other search fields, searching by category will bring up all claims filed under that category.

Check each category you want to search in. You can search one or multiple categories.